Monday, May 31, 2010

Buena Vista Getaway mit Singen und Tanzen!

Big shout-out to all my friends in the Beev for an awesome Memorial Weekend. It seriously felt like I had never left. I thank God I've got friends who make me feel welcome even if I haven't been the best person in the world.

The show was "Annie, Get Your Gun!" and the night was balmy and warm. Well, muggy and warm anyway. In the best of SVU tradition, something unspeakably awkard happened onstage that the cast handled perfectly. Despite the valiant efforts of the Technical Director/Rigger, a small-ish piece of flown scenery fell behind the actors on stage. Right int he middle of the show. To the actor's credit, not a single one of them broke character or acknowledged the incident, thereby allowing the house to stay at ease and to continue enjoying the show, regardless of technical difficulties. Three Cheers to the cast and crew! Huzzah! Hurrah! Exuberance!

Despite technical difficulties, the show went well, I thought. The mics are always bad, the orchestra is always a little loud, but despite these usual hurdles the cast met them adequately, if not spectacularly. Favorite Scene: the second Shooting Matche between Annie and Frank, including the song, "Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)". Annie was a joy to watch and Frank was great to hear. Kudos to you both for a solid performance.

In my humble opinion, though it may not be the best SVU has ever done, it is certainly good and definatly worth seeing!

It seems you CAN get a man with a gun...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Moving Day

My parents sold their house.

Granted, they sold it about a month ago and it's been in contract this whole time, but the biggest issue that I was most worried about was where we - my siters and I - were going to live. About a week ago, we found an apartment, and by Sunday, we will have moved into it.

Moving sucks. Packing sucks. But once it's done, I won't have to worry about moving myself at least for another year.

This is a big deal for me. I don't really remember the house I lived in when I was little. Since I was about three or four, I've had only one place to call a home. About twenty years for me at a single address.

I heard once that the ties that bind sometimes hold you back. I don't know if I agree with that. I will say this though: Sometimes, the best thing you can do, is make a drastic change to your life. It sucks sometimes, but once the change is done, your whole life is different, even if you aren't aware of how much it's different. That difference is sometimes good and sometimes bad. But there's no way to tell until after it's done and the dust has settled.

The frost is off the ground and Moving Day is at hand!