Saturday, March 28, 2009

*Sings* 'In the Summertime, when the weather is fine'...

'You can stretch on out and'....I can't remember the next phrase...damn.

So far my plan is to move back to NJ, work my butt off over the summer to earn enough money to:
  1. Rent my own apartment.
  2. Move to NYC and begin my life as a starving actor.
  3. Work and write so I can be published and make tons of money as a world-renowned author (Yeah right... :p )
  4. Work until I have enough money to rent a storage space so I can store my crap and then work on a cruise ship for six months doing techie stuff.
  5. Some other random possibility that I haven't thought up yet.
No matter how I slice it though, I am going to work over the summer and that also means that I will be going to Brayden and Kaitlin's wedding/reception, whichever one I happen to be able to attend.

Yes, I intend to go to the wedding. No, nobody needs to worry about my emotional health. Yes, I will be just fine. No, I am not going to break up the wedding in any way, shape, or form. Brayden's my best friend; *bursts into random song* 'What kind of best friend would I be/If I didn't take advantage of-' *cuts off mid-phrase*


Ha! Just kidding! Seriously, I want to go and it'd be damning of me to ruin their day.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Steve,

    I can't figure out how to "follow" your blog, so I guess I'll just have to bookmark the page and check it regularly =P Good for you on making your plan. I like plans, especially when they're laid out as lists. I like lists too, because it's so satisfying to cross things off the list. It's like a little victory, and is very encouraging. Unless it's a list of things I own, and crossing things off means they're going away. Then that's not so fun.
