Friday, October 30, 2009

All Soul's Night

See, I don't remember if it's called Halloween and All Soul's Night, or if the two days are separate.

Oh well, not really a major concern.

Anyway, I'm just wishing any of you readers out there a Happy and Safe Halloween this year!

This year, I will be playing the part of 'Zombie', hopefully with pictures by Monday. Also, I'm going to be in NYC!! I'm excited about this, especially since I'm posting about it here. To the cast members of She Loves Me, Break A Leg tonight and tomorrow night as well! I only wish I could visit you and see it for myself.

Also, I'm going to be attempting NaNoWriMo this year again, with a similar story as last year's failure. The difference is that I'm actually going to take my time with development so that I have more places to go with it, rather than last year which had too many different directions to go in and no way to cover them all. Wish me luck!

Happy Halloween and Break a Leg folks!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Occupational Hazards: Paper Cuts, Obnoxious Customers, Accidental Cocain Overdose...

I felt like writing something that would attract your attention. Just you though, not that creeper standing behind you who's reading over your shoulder! Just kidding, s/he can read too if s/he wants. That's why it's Public!

Off topic. Moving on.

I scored a job at last! It's only about six weeks in coming, but I don't care because this means that I have a source of stable income now and before Christmas too!

In case you were wondering, this new occupation is a Lunchtime Teller at Sovereign Bank! I won't tell you how much I make, nor will I tell you where I work because I don't know if that creeper standing behind you is just trying to gain that information so s/he can stalk me. After all, I am probably one of the more stalker-worthy individuals out there.

Just Kidding. Stalkers tend to be odder than me, and that level of oddness I simply cannot abide in any sort of relationship, even in nonexistent ones!

Off topic again. Moving on.

So, those occupational hazards I mentioned are somewhat accurate. Counting money and handling excessive amounts of paperwork increases the risk of paper cuts. I don't have a number, so no adding it to Wikipedia. Customers are Customers no matter where you work. Anyone who's had to deal with them knows exactly what I'm talking about. As for the accidental cocaine OD...In my previous teller job, one of my coworkers mentioned that statistically most $100 bills had microscopic traces of cocaine on them. So, if you handled enough 'doped' bills it is conceivable to get a high from them because of skin absorption. THEREFORE, if you handled, like ALL of them, you could MAYBE get a cocaine overdose.

The chances are remote, but one in one million is still ONE.

Kind of like the odds that a College Theatre Graduate would or could get a decent job so soon after graduation outside the theatrical world!

Woot for being the ONE in one MILLION!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Update: Still Unemployed

I haven't written anything lately. There's nothing to write. I have no job yet, but I have dozens of prospects. I didn't really expect there to be almost literally nothing available during the first two months of the Fall.

Here's hoping that the upcomming holiday season gives rise to more jobs.