Friday, October 30, 2009

All Soul's Night

See, I don't remember if it's called Halloween and All Soul's Night, or if the two days are separate.

Oh well, not really a major concern.

Anyway, I'm just wishing any of you readers out there a Happy and Safe Halloween this year!

This year, I will be playing the part of 'Zombie', hopefully with pictures by Monday. Also, I'm going to be in NYC!! I'm excited about this, especially since I'm posting about it here. To the cast members of She Loves Me, Break A Leg tonight and tomorrow night as well! I only wish I could visit you and see it for myself.

Also, I'm going to be attempting NaNoWriMo this year again, with a similar story as last year's failure. The difference is that I'm actually going to take my time with development so that I have more places to go with it, rather than last year which had too many different directions to go in and no way to cover them all. Wish me luck!

Happy Halloween and Break a Leg folks!

1 comment:

  1. STEVE!

    We moved to the show to open next weekend, and the weekend to follow that. So the first two weekends in November! Anyways Rachael Dorman is here visiting. Miss you mucho
