Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Day

Today is a day that shall live in infamy. A day that shall be remembered.

Today was a snow day.

So I wake up at about 7 AM this morning to a phone call from my manager at work and she tells me, "Hey Steve. guess what? We're closed today! Have a nice weekend!"

You can imagine the elation I felt at hearing these words, but mostly it was a kind of relaxed numbing feeling you get when you realize that you can actually sleep for a bit longer and you won't be penalized for it. I put my phone down, leaned back, and collapsedblissfully back into my snuggly warm blankets and pillows and resumed sleep mode.

Then i realized - once I had woken up for real - that I would have to be shoveling out the walkway and the drive way today once the snow tapers off a bit more.

Pros: Extra sleep, still in my pajamas, decent amount of time to relax this morning, no work, excersise.

Cons: Shoveling cold wet piles of snow, physical exertion, home-locked for the rest of the day with my sister.

Price for everything I suppose.

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