Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spays Invaydrz!!!1!!!11!1!!

So apparently a meteor burned through the midwest the other day.

No lie. It's on CNN. Check it out.

I'm telling you: Interstellar war willt ake care of our economic problems. We'll be too busy fighting off aliens to worry about trifles like health care and Isalmic terrorists in Iraq. Maybe if we get really lucky, we'll even jank their technology so we can finally colonize the stars! Just like in Firefly! Because who doesn't want to cruise the galaxy speaking random Cantonese instead of curse words? I know I do!

In all seriousness though, I was just amused by the reports of a meteor landing in the midwest. Maybe one of those freaky sci-fi movies about aliens crash landing and taking over our planet will be accurate. Maybe not. Who knows?

Oh. And one more thing: We haz spays invaydrz!!!!1!!!!!111!1!11!!

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