Saturday, August 28, 2010

Present Tense

So Monday evening greeted me with an email from the director of Doubt that I had auditioned for the week previous. I did not get the part, which was no surprise really. The basic rule of community theatre, as I understand it, is that if you are not part of the typical clique of community theatre-auditioners, you will not get a part purely because you are new. It takes several failed attempts to get a part to actually land one.

On a side note, I've found a new friend here in NJ. It was kind of random, that meet-cute. But he's got this whole circle of friends who are dorky like me and I think I've finally found a new group to hang out with besides my family.

Don't get me wrong; I love my family and I will always place them first in my heart, but sometimes I need my dorkiness to go appreciated as opposed to just kind of lived with.

Here I go! Into a bold new chapter of my life!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


So it's been three months since I last wrote and I'm a total moron for not writing earlier. This is me being a moron. See how stupid I look! Wheeeeee!!!

Anyway, nothing too major has happened, except that my parents sold their old house, bought their new house and I did my first audition in nearly three years.

The last is the biggest piece of news yet.

So, I was checking this website for auditions in NJ, looking around for something in the area, and I saw a thing go up for Doubt - which I love! - and I decided to go for it. I seriously doubt - no pun intended, I assure you - that I'll get the part of Father Flynn, simply because I'm only in my 20s and I didn't know the director, but I feel like I totally blew the competition away in my audition. It was open and we performed in front of everyone, which I think was bad form, but the space was very small. Like, 20 seats small. We are talking black bread box space. I think my apartment is larger. Half my apartment is larger! It was ridiculous! But doubt deserves an intimate setting. And you don't get much more intimate than twenty folding chairs in front of a raised dais in a twelve by twenty room with an eight foot ceiling.

Anyway, space aside, the competition was varied, and I think my biggest competitor has me beat on look alone. he actually looks like a middle aged pastor who might or might not be a child molester.

Wow. I just realized what I wrote down. Only in theatre can that be a good thing.

Well, I shall know by Monday evening if I got the part or not. Here's hoping!
