Saturday, August 28, 2010

Present Tense

So Monday evening greeted me with an email from the director of Doubt that I had auditioned for the week previous. I did not get the part, which was no surprise really. The basic rule of community theatre, as I understand it, is that if you are not part of the typical clique of community theatre-auditioners, you will not get a part purely because you are new. It takes several failed attempts to get a part to actually land one.

On a side note, I've found a new friend here in NJ. It was kind of random, that meet-cute. But he's got this whole circle of friends who are dorky like me and I think I've finally found a new group to hang out with besides my family.

Don't get me wrong; I love my family and I will always place them first in my heart, but sometimes I need my dorkiness to go appreciated as opposed to just kind of lived with.

Here I go! Into a bold new chapter of my life!

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