I have a job now! It's kind of boring and mind-numbingly simple. I restock shoes in a warehouse (There house. There, Paycheck!) The company that owns the warehouse is NGL - Network Global Logistics. They rent out space to various other companies to store their crap until its needed. Kind of like those rent-a-shed storage places I guess, just on a much larger scale. Anyway, this particular company that has all these shoes is Online Shoes . com. Google them at your own risk, I haven't seen there store yet. Considering what I stock every day, they've got just about everything under the sun as far as footwear for the average American. At least, I haven't seen any Prada or Manolo Blahnik or Dulce & Gabana or whatever. They do sell Berkenstocks, though I would hardly consider them to be haute couture shoes. Bloody expensive, sure, but not Devil Wears Prada worthy.
Anyway, that's the biggest announcment. I've been there over a week now and no problems so far! Honestly, I picked up on my duties after the first hour or two and was doing things that the trainer hadn't even talked about after the first day.
I did come tot he realization, though, that I am totally being wasted in a warehouse. I could really make a difference somewhere, I know it. I'm just too lazy and easily distracted to actually seek out a position that would enable me to make a difference somewhere.
Tragic flaws. I has them. And they sux0rz.
I'm playing WoW again, on Lothar as always. I even started dungeon-running. It's not as difficult as I had thought it would be. Go figure, huh?
In other News, I talked to the Theatre department as OSU and found out that they will be seeing Graduate applicants at this coming URTA (University/Resident Theatre Association) conference and auditions. Unfortunately for me, it's not until January. Less fortunately for me, the local theatre companies have already done all of their casting for their seasons in February as well. No matter which way I look at it, I'm stuck until this coming winter unless something miraculous happens, which is highly unlikely, given my personal track record for career advancing miracles.
I seem to be caught between everything at the moment. I wonder if that bodes ill or well for me? Time will tell, I guess.
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