Monday, August 1, 2011

Still Here

Things have been crazy in the past couple of weeks. I lost the job I had, but my contact at this employment agency called me the next day and said that he was going to be looking and would get back to me in a few days. Here's hoping for something a little more stable than where I was.

Other than that, I've been writing sporadically, playing video games and generally hiding in my basement. It's a shame, I know. You'd think i would have figured some things out by now. C'est la vie.

Other than that, there's nothing major to report. It's still a waiting game for a whole lot of things and this was jsut a way to remind the world at large - or at least those who are still reading my blog - that I'm still here and still living.

I really need to get my act together and get moving with something. Anything at this point would be good.


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