Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More from Susan Boyle


Her second song. Memory from 'Cats'.

It's her emotional communication - which I still haven't fully figured out yet - that really makes this performance so precious.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

a jobs. i has one.

So, remember that job opportunity I mentioned before? Well I got it! I'm not the head carpenter or anything like that, but I'm working in Vermont over the summer on 5 shows as a carpenter now! They're taking care of housing for me and I'm getting paid $200 a week!!!!

It's all terribly exciting!! I start June 15 and it's over September 9 (I think...) SO that's three months working in theatre!!

Can yout ell how excited I am by the exclamation points??!?!??!!!?!?

Friday, May 8, 2009

An Unforseen Possibilty...

There's a small chance that I could start working for a theatre company in New Hampshire (or maybe Vermont, I'm not really sure which...) this summer.

Prof. Dwyer told about an opening up with this place and...well, any job in theatre is worth having for me.

The only issue is that it would be as Head Carpenter, and I'm not entirely certain if I a) qualify or b) am confident enough for the job.

Let's see what happens!