Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cash-Flow Problems

So Memorial Day Weekend, I said that I would try to make it out again to SVU to see the Opening Show, Songs for a New World. Yeah. That didn't really happen. Not so much.

There are a few things I blame particularly for this misshap:

Sovereign Bank - for not paying me enough nor giving me the hours I need.

the State of New Jersey - for having so many unemployed people that finding a second job is next to impossible through the conventional methods

Myself - for not realizing that the show opened Labor Day Weekend and I had, with Saturday off, a four day weekend and I didn't even realize it.

But mostly I blame the first two because without those I couldn't go down anyway.

So instead, I think I'm going to try going to NY ComiCon in the middle of October with a couple of geeky friends up here. We'll see how that turns out, but here's hoping for the best!

Still need a second job or at least full time hours at the bank...

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