Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sucks to be Someone...

So my boss got fired today. 'Twas exciting.

I can't legally reveal any information regarding why he no longer works for Sovereign Bank, a subsidiary of Santander, but this largely means that until a replacement for his hours is found, we are a man short and that means more hours for me! W00t! Maybe I won't have to raffle off a kidney after all!

Not that selling an organ on the black - or at least slightly off-white - market was ever a practical option, but it does mean more money to pay back my sister, pay my bills, and save up a bit for the Big Move in May/April.

This is a big deal, y'all. Real big. There's even a small chance that I will be able to apply to be trained as an assistant Head Teller since we already have a woman who would be perfect in the Head Teller position and, frankly, I am not experienced enough to be a Head Teller anywhere. Much less a bank that requires me to sell all manner of devilish financial products for no good reason beyond that we need to keep sales up and retention high.

I'm getting the hours I need! Sucks that it had to be at my boss's expense...

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