Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Why, oh why, oh why-o....

...Why did I never seriously consider Ohio?

Granted my weekend visit with the parentals and the brother is almost over and I'm heading back to NJ, but I won't lie here: I always speak the truth, even if I won't tell you what the truth is, I just won't say it. I'm seriously thinking about Ohio. Granted, it would suck at first. I'd move in with my parents into their basement and I'd live off of their kindness until I found a job and an apartment. But on the other hand, OSU is RIGHT THERE. See? I'm pointing to it. Right now. It's like, right over there! And that means the potential for night classes in some undetermined field of study for me to broaden my as yet fairly limited horizons. They have a graduate program for Theatre, which I could get into if I worked at it, hypothetically.

Cost of living is cheaper here than NJ - barring gas prices, I guess. There's a Single's ward I could hypothetically attend and enjoy. There's a city right over THERE for me to meander and explore. I could, conceivably, move here and figure my life out as well as myself and start actually living for real this time.

But what about my dream? (Whispers the nagging voice, reminiscent of a little boy who just got told that Santa isn't real) What about the stage and the Great White Way and the music and the laughter of the crowds who want me to brighten their day through text and verse? What about the kid who wanted to grow up to be Harrison Ford one day?

Hey, don't laugh: I didn't figure that out until I was a freshman in college!

Now you see where I am? See what I have to deal with? This sucks ass! Why can't I just have a simple decision to make?

The nagging voice returns: That's called growing up, Steve; get used to it. (This time it sounds like Nathan Lane as Max Biallystock...)

Grrr...I hate having to wait to make important decisions! It always makes me doubt myself!!

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