Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Micro Stories: Finished

A bit late in the game, I suppose, but whatever.

I don't know if the whole micro story idea was a success or not. I'm leaning on not, since I only wrote less than a handful of them on the backs of blank receipts from work. It's amazing what you can do when there are no customers around to interrupt your train of thought.

However, I did realize one thing: I like writing out on those stupid little slips of paper. I don't know why. Somehow, I feel like I can accomplish a lot more on them than with just typing it out on my computer.

So for the past two weeks now or so I've been using said reciepts to work on some other story ideas I've had kicking around in the back of my skull since...God, I don't even know since when...School, maybe? New Hampshire? I don't know. Anyway, there you go. I've successfully worked out a basic pantheon for a fantasy world involved in one story, successfully killed off the hero in another story (this is a good thing; trust me) and also fleshed out a character in a short-ish story I messed about with for a bit.

Who knows? Maybe one or two of these idle themes will yield a novel. And then that novel might sell. And then I might be rich!

But, for now, I've rediscovered writing by hand.

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