Saturday, February 26, 2011


Today - that is to say, the 25th - I was fired from my job.

Yes, it was anticipated, so it wasn't a complete shock. I had made several mistakes in processing transactions relatively close together - as well a few items that were not mistakes that I got blamed for anyway - that culminated in my termination.

Yes, I'll be fine. I haven't been fired before, but I have been reprimanded several times before this so I already knew how to handle it. At least I can chock the whole thing up to Life Experience and say that I've become a slightly stronger man because of it. I've had harder knocks than this before, and will likely have harder yet to come. This won't stop me from attempting my dream anymore than it will keep me from being my usual cheerful/cynical self.

No, I don't really resent my former employers. They did their jobs, I did mine, and I failed to meet their expectations and demands. Suffice it to say that I hated my job and I can now focus on other things now. Like finding a new job for example. Or writing more or something.

It's just another bump in the road on my one-way ticket ride.

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