Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I admit, I'm a terribly impatient person. I'm totally a child of the "Gimme-Gimme NOW" generation. I believe in instant gratification as a way of life. Partially because I'm a lazy bastard, partially because most things are that convenient anyway nowadays, and partially because I keep waiting for that epic montage of stills showing the passage of time for all events pertaining to waiting for something.

And finally: Because I feel like a waste of space if I have to wait for someone else to give me information that I can act on.

So, I've had this plan for the last month or so. It's either South to Virginia, where I'll affirm my personal independence and try this whole adulthood thing AGAIN - maybe even get it right this time! - and plan from there. Or I head West to Ohio, to the house of my forefathers - er, Mom'n'Dad, anyway - and a) stave off personal insecurities for moving into my parents basement and becoming that guy or b) enrolling in Ohio State and actually learning something useful. Maybe get a teaching cert., maybe study political analysis - I don't know.

The final decision, however, hinges on one thing: Having a job set up in Virginia in the first place. I can't execute anything until then.

The sucky part is that I have to start moving by the end of next week. OSU hasn't gotten back to me yet on possible acceptance/transfer of usable credits, and SVU is still sifting through potential applicants for the position in question.

This leaves me at an impasse. I can't finalize my plans and execute them without the answer from SVU.

Let me be clear: I don't have a serious issue moving in with Mom'n'Dad for a little while in either case. I'll do what I must to survive, even if that means bending my own proud neck to accept their charity until I get on my own two feet in Ohio; whatever happens.

It's just winding down to the deadline and I haven't gotten an answer yet 'Yea' or 'Nay'.

Hurry up & wait my left butt-cheek! It's torture is what it is!

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