Friday, April 29, 2011

Moving Day Is At Hand!

True, it's much less dramatic than an apocalypse, but it's still a source of sweat, blood and exhaustion. Kind of like a pitched-battle, only fewer casualties.

Huh. You'd think people would have made that connection sooner...

Anyway, tonight is the last night I will spend in the Lakewood Apartment, dubious distinction that may be. Amusingly, we discovered this morning that the noisy neighbors next door to us are acquainted with Bruce. All that time and he could have walked over and talked to them about having loud sex.

Probably a good thing that we didn't set Mm-Bop to repeat in the girl's room all night then.

Now their junk is moved up one flight of stairs in a New Apartment in another town entirely and I will be relegated to sleeping on their couch/air mattress until I have to move.

It's Official: As of Wednesday, I will no longer live in the Garden State! Cheers and Jeers!

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