Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Micro Story #3

So I'm not sure how frequently I'll be writing these things. Last week at work was ridiculous and after work was pretty busy as well. Between all that, I couldn't write as much as I would have liekd to and the couple of things I did manage to crank out weren't exactly what I was looking for. But oh well. Here's something from the past week. Enjoy!

As I went alking of an afternoon, I saw a woman with a curious hat. it was perched on head at a precisely fashionable angle and was riveted in place by no less than three silver pins. It was black silk, with a white dove stitched to the side of it. Around the brim a small garland of bright red roses seemed to be growing out of it even as I watched her read a book.

"Excuse me," I said as I passed her. "But that hat is quite remarkable."

She looked up from her book, stared me in the eye and said something unprepossessing in Portuguese. It was then that I realized that she was reading an English to Portuguese dictionary and that I had probably made myself look a great fool. In a flash of inspiration, I bowed to her and said the only Portuguese I knew.

And that is how I met your Mother.

It's not exactly what I set out to do, but at least I had fun describing the hat. Can you imagine what the outfit she must have been wearing looked like? What would be accentuated by a black silk hat with a white dove and red roses on it, fixed in place by silver pins? Is she from the late 19th century? It almost feels like that.

Oh well. Live and Learn, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. That hat sounds totally fabulous. I want one. And I'd wear it every day. I mean, who needs hair when you have a black silk hat with a white-dove adornment? Seriously.
