Saturday, September 10, 2011

Soap Box Sermon: On the Nature of Heroism

Since it's that time of year, thousands of fellow writers, complainers and soap-box preachers are taking to their electronic pulpits to declaim their opinions on the events that befell the United States on the day of September 11, 2001. I am no different.

That day, I was in high school French class when I heard the news. At the time, my father worked close to the City and was probably just arriving when the first plane hit. A classmate, a boy I didn't particularly like, walked up to the teacher and said, "A plane just flew into the World Trade Center." I didn't register the statement at the time. The first thing that popped into my head was, "Dad's alright." I honestly can't remember why I thought that, or even where he was - he was doing a lot of traveling for work at the time so it was possible he was in the air or in a far off place at the time. This isn't about me though.

This is about people. Normal people who did something extraordinary. Normal men and women who were pushed by fear and pushed back.

Whatever was motivating them, the passengers of Flight 93 were pushed down by fear. Fear of pain and suffering should they interfere. It was likely that, they didn't know where they were headed. It was likely that they didn't know what the hijackers wanted. But they were pushed. And they pushed back.

Because of their efforts, at least hundreds, if not thousands, of lives were spared. The Forty Heroes of Flight 93 pushed back when they were pushed. They did it for reasons that were to each one their own, but they still did not let fear stop them in their goal. Such is the nature of courage, and such is the nature of a hero. To those courageous Forty, I salute as heroes. May God bless them rest and respite, and may their bravery never be forgotten.

Brave, too, were others. In New York, the towers fell and millions stared in shock, then disbelief, then fear, then outrage. But while the public's mind was churning these thoughts, the New York City Fire and Police departments went to work. This was their duty. Their city was threatened, her citizenry endangered and an icon of her face destroyed. Yet these men and women went to work, when millions more stopped and stared. Lives were saved, lives were lost and into a breach of fire and stone and steel they charged, with all the bravery of Shakespeare's St. Crispin's Day speech on their heels. These, too, are heroes. May their dedication never be forgotten.

Like the passengers of Flight 93, when they were pushed - however indirectly - they pushed back. Bless you, Heroes, for standing tall and pushing back through fear. Your example is a lesson to any who would do what is right.

Reader, it is not the nature of heroism to stand and allow. It is not the nature of heroism to be kept in place by fear. It is the nature of heroism to push back when an opponent tries to frighten you into submission. It is the nature of the hero to do what is right because it is right that it should be done, regardless of the fear you might feel. Don't be afraid of being afraid. It's normal. It means you're still sane and human. Judge for yourself if the fear is too great to overcome or what the right thing to do is. But if it's not too great, if you have the will to set your fears aside because you know what is right and are willing and able to stand for it; Godspeed, hero.

Since that day ten years ago, the face of the Nation has changed. In a single moment, our world was rocked by fear. And we pushed back. We showed that we are not controlled by fear. If we were, we would have folded up like paper napkins, been balled up and tossed away as garbage.

Let these words stand as a testament to our bravery and our heroes, both fallen and fighting: We are not afraid of fear. And if we are pushed, beware the recoiling force that strikes back.


Sunday, August 28, 2011


...were yesterday and today, but that's not what's important. What is important is the fact that the director of the show in question called me up about an hour ago and asked me to play - get this - a prince!

I know! That was my reaction too!

I mean, me? Big, tall, doofy Steve as a love-interest Prince Charming? Moreover, an Indian Prince Charming. (More on that further in.) Not like, Native American Indian, I mean from, like, Dubai Indian. I guess I could give myself a make-up tan and darken my eye sockets a bit, but apart from that, I'm about as WASP (barring the last bit) as you can get without being from the South.

So here's the skinny on the show:

It's called "The Ash Girl", written by Timberlake Wertenbaker (that's a woman, btw), and it's being produced by the ABC Players in Nelsonville, OH. Go ahead and do the Google search. I know you want to. Nelsonville is about fifty to sixty miles from the greater Columbus area, so traveling between here and there is going to be painful, to say the least. However, the direct happens to live half-way betweeen here and there and offered to give me a lift so long as I can make it to her house in Lancaster, OH. That drive is about twenty minutes. Much easier to manage.

Okay, so, commute bitching aside, the play should prove to be very interesting. The story follows a basic Cinderella pattern, aligning itself closer to the Grimms version, rather than the nicey-nice singing Disney version, complete with body mutilation on the part of the Stepsisters. but that's not the best part. The best part is this whole set of characters based off the seven deadly sins plus one extra who are kind of like demonic animals.

So, there's these seven animals, right? A bird, a fly, a worm, a toad, a monkey and a snake, with Lust being played by a normal-looking human being. The plus one is Sadness, who will probably be portrayed as a wraith-like woman with claws. Well, she would if I had any say about it. These characters try to take over the other characters in the story. For more details, read the script. It's not too bad. A little obvious at times, but it could be much worse.

Now, for my character. I am playing an exiled prince who falls madly in love with a strange and waifish young woman who happens to stride into the ball my mother (an exiled Princess) is throwing in order to marry me off. Our eyes meet and the rest is history and hormones.

To be honest, I'm not that confident I can play a prince charming in any sense. Perhaps if he was the villain, or if he was the boss ordering the lovers around, maybe. Well, totally, but the love interest? Me? Psshh. I will do my level best to rise to the occasion, but I can't guarantee how well I'm going to do.

So that's the very latest in Steve-related nonsense and shenanigans. Stay tuned for further updates!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Still Here

Things have been crazy in the past couple of weeks. I lost the job I had, but my contact at this employment agency called me the next day and said that he was going to be looking and would get back to me in a few days. Here's hoping for something a little more stable than where I was.

Other than that, I've been writing sporadically, playing video games and generally hiding in my basement. It's a shame, I know. You'd think i would have figured some things out by now. C'est la vie.

Other than that, there's nothing major to report. It's still a waiting game for a whole lot of things and this was jsut a way to remind the world at large - or at least those who are still reading my blog - that I'm still here and still living.

I really need to get my act together and get moving with something. Anything at this point would be good.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


So I have just three words for you in this update:


That is all.

Well, and the fact that it's slated for Thanksgiving. I don't care how dorky I look, I'd totally go to the Midnight Showing!

Muppets FTW!!


Delayed Update

So I've been a total loser and I haven't bothered to update anything yet. Which is my loss more than yours anyway, so go you! You get to read new information! W00t!

I have a job now! It's kind of boring and mind-numbingly simple. I restock shoes in a warehouse (There house. There, Paycheck!) The company that owns the warehouse is NGL - Network Global Logistics. They rent out space to various other companies to store their crap until its needed. Kind of like those rent-a-shed storage places I guess, just on a much larger scale. Anyway, this particular company that has all these shoes is Online Shoes . com. Google them at your own risk, I haven't seen there store yet. Considering what I stock every day, they've got just about everything under the sun as far as footwear for the average American. At least, I haven't seen any Prada or Manolo Blahnik or Dulce & Gabana or whatever. They do sell Berkenstocks, though I would hardly consider them to be haute couture shoes. Bloody expensive, sure, but not Devil Wears Prada worthy.

Anyway, that's the biggest announcment. I've been there over a week now and no problems so far! Honestly, I picked up on my duties after the first hour or two and was doing things that the trainer hadn't even talked about after the first day.

I did come tot he realization, though, that I am totally being wasted in a warehouse. I could really make a difference somewhere, I know it. I'm just too lazy and easily distracted to actually seek out a position that would enable me to make a difference somewhere.

Tragic flaws. I has them. And they sux0rz.

I'm playing WoW again, on Lothar as always. I even started dungeon-running. It's not as difficult as I had thought it would be. Go figure, huh?

In other News, I talked to the Theatre department as OSU and found out that they will be seeing Graduate applicants at this coming URTA (University/Resident Theatre Association) conference and auditions. Unfortunately for me, it's not until January. Less fortunately for me, the local theatre companies have already done all of their casting for their seasons in February as well. No matter which way I look at it, I'm stuck until this coming winter unless something miraculous happens, which is highly unlikely, given my personal track record for career advancing miracles.

I seem to be caught between everything at the moment. I wonder if that bodes ill or well for me? Time will tell, I guess.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Il Dottore

So there's this show that a bunch of friends of mine follow. It's a really popular show and it's been running for almost 50 years now. It was first aired in the UK and since then has crossed the Pond and become fairly popular in the US as well. It's sci-fi and bounces between philosophically profound, deeply moving, irreverently hilarious and cleverly executed.

If you haven't gotten it by this point, I'll give you a big hint: He wanders through time and space in a 1950s British Police Box.

Yeah. Now I'm a fan of the Doctor as well.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for time-traveling aliens.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Moving Day Is At Hand!

True, it's much less dramatic than an apocalypse, but it's still a source of sweat, blood and exhaustion. Kind of like a pitched-battle, only fewer casualties.

Huh. You'd think people would have made that connection sooner...

Anyway, tonight is the last night I will spend in the Lakewood Apartment, dubious distinction that may be. Amusingly, we discovered this morning that the noisy neighbors next door to us are acquainted with Bruce. All that time and he could have walked over and talked to them about having loud sex.

Probably a good thing that we didn't set Mm-Bop to repeat in the girl's room all night then.

Now their junk is moved up one flight of stairs in a New Apartment in another town entirely and I will be relegated to sleeping on their couch/air mattress until I have to move.

It's Official: As of Wednesday, I will no longer live in the Garden State! Cheers and Jeers!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Westward Bound

I will be moving to Ohio next week.

Not completely, just the big stuff. Bed frame, bookshelves, things like that. The move is scheduled to begin on Thursday and I'll be borrowing my sister's care to get there. And I'll probably be leaving my mattress and boxspring in New Jersey because it would be seriously impractical to take it across country, not to mention the fact that a coworked of my sister's told her that most cops would be pulling me over on the trip out that way.

Now, I don't think it's quite that extreme (I could be wrong though), but the practicality of the situation demands that moving that much will be difficult and awkward at best; impossible at worst.

So I'm going to leave the mattress and box spring behind and live off an air mattress in Ohio once I finish moving out there.

And by the way: I'm totally going to try to get into OSU for furthering my education.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I admit, I'm a terribly impatient person. I'm totally a child of the "Gimme-Gimme NOW" generation. I believe in instant gratification as a way of life. Partially because I'm a lazy bastard, partially because most things are that convenient anyway nowadays, and partially because I keep waiting for that epic montage of stills showing the passage of time for all events pertaining to waiting for something.

And finally: Because I feel like a waste of space if I have to wait for someone else to give me information that I can act on.

So, I've had this plan for the last month or so. It's either South to Virginia, where I'll affirm my personal independence and try this whole adulthood thing AGAIN - maybe even get it right this time! - and plan from there. Or I head West to Ohio, to the house of my forefathers - er, Mom'n'Dad, anyway - and a) stave off personal insecurities for moving into my parents basement and becoming that guy or b) enrolling in Ohio State and actually learning something useful. Maybe get a teaching cert., maybe study political analysis - I don't know.

The final decision, however, hinges on one thing: Having a job set up in Virginia in the first place. I can't execute anything until then.

The sucky part is that I have to start moving by the end of next week. OSU hasn't gotten back to me yet on possible acceptance/transfer of usable credits, and SVU is still sifting through potential applicants for the position in question.

This leaves me at an impasse. I can't finalize my plans and execute them without the answer from SVU.

Let me be clear: I don't have a serious issue moving in with Mom'n'Dad for a little while in either case. I'll do what I must to survive, even if that means bending my own proud neck to accept their charity until I get on my own two feet in Ohio; whatever happens.

It's just winding down to the deadline and I haven't gotten an answer yet 'Yea' or 'Nay'.

Hurry up & wait my left butt-cheek! It's torture is what it is!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Today - that is to say, the 25th - I was fired from my job.

Yes, it was anticipated, so it wasn't a complete shock. I had made several mistakes in processing transactions relatively close together - as well a few items that were not mistakes that I got blamed for anyway - that culminated in my termination.

Yes, I'll be fine. I haven't been fired before, but I have been reprimanded several times before this so I already knew how to handle it. At least I can chock the whole thing up to Life Experience and say that I've become a slightly stronger man because of it. I've had harder knocks than this before, and will likely have harder yet to come. This won't stop me from attempting my dream anymore than it will keep me from being my usual cheerful/cynical self.

No, I don't really resent my former employers. They did their jobs, I did mine, and I failed to meet their expectations and demands. Suffice it to say that I hated my job and I can now focus on other things now. Like finding a new job for example. Or writing more or something.

It's just another bump in the road on my one-way ticket ride.

Friday, February 4, 2011


So, remember how I didn't think it was going to work? I was only mostly wrong about that.

Not going to lie, I was kind of worried during this past week or tech rehearsals that the show wasn't going to go off without a hitch or three, but barring the scenery getting their last coat of paint, it's all ready. The actors are memorized - well, memorized enough to pull of a show - the changes are teched, the scenes are blocked and the major issues are dealt with. Anything else that will come up should only be temporary.

The problem comes in the level of talent the cast is bringing in, which - in my humble and outspoken opinion - is insufficient. Some of the cast can actually pull of the roles they are playing, but a couple of the others simply aren't up to snuff.

My biggest issue is the music. It's too...blunt? sometimes. The word is hard to find for it. It's like it wants so very hard to be incredible, but instead of making that leap to being incredible, it kind of laughs incredible off and is acceptable instead. That's just the music for the show itself, I'm not going to get into the performances yet. There's a song that a friend described to me as heart-wrenching and deeply emotional, but when I heard the music, all I thought was, "Was that it?". Don't get me wrong, there were some great phrases in it, but then the tone of the song changes and it's completely different than before. In the end, I was left with a feeling of bland disappointment. It doesn't help that the actor singing the number isn't as good as he might be thinking he is.

Now, for a community show, it's pretty good. The sets are cheap, but under Light they look okay. The sound is mediocre, but the actors shouldn't rely on the mercurial devices anyway. The costumes are about what you would expect for a decent high school performance. The actors are a little hit or miss, but on the whole they do well enough that I think people will keep coming, because they're at the standard for what the local crowd has come to expect I think.

So, if you're in the East Brunswick area of New Jersey any weekend in Febuary, I'd take a little time and see if you can drop by the show. It'll be entertaining certainly. I mean, how many hangings do you get to witness nowadays, right?

One last thing: There's more than one killer. Cheers!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Clarified Postings

Like clarified butter, but less oily.

This isn't a diary. This is a journal.

This isn't a soap box. This is a press box.

I can't write about things I'm planing on doing. I have to write about things I have done.

This is a chronicle, and somewhere along the line, I forgot that. My New Year's Resolution is to only tell you what I've done; not what I'm going to do. I have other venues for that method of venting.

So here's what I've done so far:

I've been written up at work. I'm currently on Final Written Warning. I might get fired, but I don't know if I really care. I've been looking for another job in somewhere closer to my field of study, but no success yet. I've lost a computer and gained a new one, courtesy of B, and I've also started playing World of Warcraft. I joined a Guild - the same one that my sister is in. I have three characters that I play: a human, an elf and a dwarf, each with a slightly Anglo-Welsh name. There are few vowels and it scares people. It's funny as hell! I still live with my two other sisters in New Jersey, close enough to the Shore that I've been there and can go again if I like, but far enough away that I don't have to trip over drunken Guidos on my way home from a walk.

If you're looking for a place where I'm going to vent all my deepest, darkest secrets, you are in the wrong blog. If you're looking for a list of the things I'm planning, you won't find it. If you're looking for a list of the things I haven't done...Trust that I know what I haven't done yet and that I'm still working on it.

I hope that cleared up a few things, if they inf act needed clearing.